I have always wanted to be a writer. I think about writing, yet rarely write for fun. I write quite often for work, but I have found that writing doesn’t come easy to me. First drafts would cause an English teacher to shake his or her head…and then maybe reach for a stiff drink. With some editing the sentences get stronger and the message becomes more clear. I struggle with grammar and proper sentence structure. Since the Internet enables people to be anonymous critics, I have been very hesitant to post what I write.
A friend and former colleague began writing a blog that I love to read. I wait for the next installment and happily follow her journey. I don’t read her blog to find what is wrong with it. As a matter of fact, critiquing what she has written has never even crossed my mind.
On a recent trip to Chicago, I was read her latest blog and I thought “I wonder if I could write a blog and if I did, would people read it?” I actually fell asleep while pondering that question. When I woke the following morning, I decided that I would begin to write a blog. Yea! The decision was made. I Googled how to start writing a blog and learned that it would need a name and some sort direction. Screech!!!! Wait, what? Oh boy, I finally come up with the courage to write stuff that people might read and now it needs a name and a purpose. Press pause on that idea.
That night, after a long day of meetings, I returned to the blog idea and began thinking about what to call it. I reviewed my likes and things that I am good at. After about 10 minutes I had it. I like to figure out how to get better at stuff. Yep I said it, stuff. I always look for a way to improve different aspects of my life. Food, diet, laundry, cleaning, organizing, teaching and yes, even writing. I work at something for a while and then move on to a new topic, eventually circling back to a previous interest. I’m a bit like the dog in the movie, Up. Squirrel! I’m easily distracted, yet every day I work to be more successful than I was the previous day.
Which brings me back to this writing thing. I want to be a writer. I want to become a better writer. The only way to improve is to write often. So here I am writing my first installment in my blog called “Tinkering With Success”. I will use this forum to share my journey toward becoming the best version of myself and hopefully along the way you will find a tip or two that can help you too.
Thanks for reading and for being patient as I work toward becoming a better writer.
Becky Tinker (BLT)
So proud of you! Write on!
Donna Gramuglia
Great start ! And I love the title! Very very clever!
Definitely count me in! Bi will stay tuned as you move ahead tinkering with success!
Walter Davies
We are lucky to have a family tinkerer. A great many are not so endowed.
I admire your skills, your enterprise and your enthusiasm.
Work at keeping your resolve intact and the claim to success will be yours.
All The Best Becky, Wally